Funny Chicken Coop Funny Chicken Coop

I have 10 gorgeous chickens, no roosters. I've been searching for the perfect name for the chicken coop for months so I've compiled this ultimate list of 105 (Edit Oct 2020: it's now 110 thanks to you all!) names for chicken coops! Paint these on your chicken coop sign or straight on the coop.

These names are mainly for rooster-less coops, I might compile another list of names for chicken coops with roosters another day!

107 Chicken Coop Names Ideas

These chicken coop names are in no particular order. Some names are nice, some naughty (sorry, they're hilarious so I had to include them). I have no doubt that you'll find your perfect chicken coop sign name here too!

I made all these signs for inspiration. I'd love for you to share them, use them as you please, they're royalty-free, but please share the love and attribute them to me, preferably with a link back to this site.

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  1. The Chick-Inn
  2. Egg Scavator
  3. Mothercluckers
  4. Sister Chicks
  5. Coop-a-Cabana (Suggested by Mary Ellen, thank you!)
  6. Eggs it only (Suggested by Yep it's Me, thank you!)
  7. Bohemian Eggsody
  8. Hen-some
  9. The-Golden-Girls-chicken-coop-sign The Golden Girls
  10. The Coop Mahal
  11. Best Little Hen House in ….
  12. Hen's Party
  13. Holliday's Carne-Val (Suggested by Linda, thank you!)
  14. Coyote Eggly
  15. Fat Bottomed Girls
  16. Breakfast Barn
  17. Chicken Brothel (Suggested by Liza, thank you!)
  18. Casa Huevos
  19. Chicken Coup for the Soul
  20. No-Eggscape-Chicken-coop-sign No Eggscape
  21. Poached
  22. Fowl Pen
  23. Chick Chalet
  24. The Bed & Broody
  25. Hen Hilton
  26. Just Got Laid
  27. Coop! There it is
  28. Cluckingham Palace
  29. hensylvania-chicken-coop-sign Hensylvania
  30. Coup de Soup
  31. No Boys Allowed
  32. The West Wing
  33. Eggville
  34. The Dixie Chicks
  35. Which Came First?
  36. Kentucky Live Chicken
  37. The-egg-plant-chicken-coop-names The Egg Plant
  38. Shakin' Tail Feathers
  39. Fluffy Butts
  40. Las Pollas Loca/El Pollo Loco (Suggested by Bren, thank you!)
  41. The Pecking Order
  42. Girls' Night In
  43. Da Coop
  44. Sorority Row
  45. The Scratch Pad
  46. Laid-with-love-chicken-coop-names Laid With Love
  47. The Egg-Zotic
  48. No Cock Castle
  49. She Shed
  50. All Cooped Up
  51. Cackle Feathers
  52. Chick Haven
  53. Chez-Poulet
  54. The Ladies'
  55. Egg Layers Anonymous
  56. Only Eggs Get Laid
  57. z-hen-temple-chicken-coop-name-sign Z-Hen Temple
  58. Eggs of Many Colors
  59. AnyCockleDoo
  60. Backyard Butts
  61. Sit Pretty
  62. That's All, Yolks
  63. The Laydies Room
  64. The Penthouse
  65. Pecker-less
  66. Winging it
  67. Fort Sans Cock
  68. Virgin Layers
  69. Sister in Da Coop
  70. Cluckington Post
  71. Yolk-City-chicken-coop-names Yolk City
  72. Moulin Rouge
  73. Henningway
  74. Laid Fresh
  75. The Sisterhood
  76. The Best Lay This Side of the Bay
  77. The Pecker Palace
  78. Kardashihens
  79. All the Single Ladies
  80. Who Left the Dudes Out
  81. Eggs Cetera
  82. Cackle Castle
  83. Tail Feather Lounge
  84. The Girls Next Door
  85. Flew the Coop
  86. Coop D'Ville
  87. We Have Layers
  88. Eggy Rogers
  89. The Eggloo
  90. Birdie-Barn-chicken-coop-name Birdie Barn
  91. The Oval Office
  92. The Convent
  93. Egg Stravaganza
  94. Chicken Nuggets
  95. Eggnog
  96. Fluffy Butt Hut
  97. No Crow Hotel
  98. The Stay 'n Lay
  99. Just Layin' Around
  100. Chicks a Cluckin'
  101. Cruegga de Ville
  102. Henitentiary
  103. Fort Flox
  104. The Chick Pit
  105. the-house-of-the-rising-egg-chicken-coop-sign The House of the Rising Egg
  106. The Scramble Inn
  107. Los Pollos Hermanos
  108. What the Cluck
  109. Lackacock
  110. Egg-Mart

I haven't chosen a name for my chicken coop sign yet, I'll need to read this list a few times before I make up my mind. My chicken coop is far from fancy. I built it from all-recycled materials, stuff that was already on the property.


I'm not exactly sure what the frame came off, but it looks like an old cattle crate or truck-back camper attachment. It was already covered in green canvas material on 2 sides, so I left most of that and covered the whole thing in fence panels and wire to secure it against wild dogs etc.

So, it's far from a "Palace" or a "Mansion" but I suppose even those names could be funny because it's so far from the truth.

Here are my girls in all their muddy glory! It's been raining so the white hens, in particular, are rather dirty, but they still lay every single day, without fail.

The automatic waterer is also leaking, the float valve is broken. It's only dripping but it made a boggy mess inside the coop. Fixed it now with a custom-built by moi, plastic lid run-off system. A temporary solution until I fix it properly.


Which chicken coop name have you chosen? What does your chicken coop sign look like? Love to see your comments below!

Here's some chicken coop signs inspiration 🙂

Chicken Coop Sign Ideas

Amazon product

Read more:

  • How to Keep Chickens Out of My Yard
  • Building the Best Chicken Coop
  • Practical Homesteading Skills You Can Learn Today
  • Chickens vs Ducks on the Homestead


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